Veena Verdi is a long standing friend of Pixelated People who Stuart has placed many times over the years. Being a content devotee, one of her missions in life is to use her profound knowledge to help companies produce compelling content across products that we use every day. Did you know that Veena’s spiritual animal is a red panda? Read her 10 question interview to find more!
🔮 In 2020, I see content strategy to be...all about story. Storytelling is going to be a key differentiator between brands that waffle on about product and brands that highlight what’s meaningful about what they do and why this matters. Content will need to be purpose-driven, beautifully curated, serving up brainfood rather than zombified scrolling.
🤔 The most interesting thing about me that’s not on my CV is ….I love to move … a lot …everything from climbing to capoeira to gymnastics. Also red pandas are my spirit animal.
😍 My favourite app at the moment is …I don’t have one. Intriguing apps are those tackling environmental problems such as Save the Waves - surfers monitoring global coastlines - and Plume - live updates of air quality in London.
🤓 The top 3 skills I want to learn this year are …designing for sustainability, data visualisation and good old fashioned sketching
💰 The most valuable thing I learnt last year was…asking the right questions. We still need to keep asking ‘Why’ especially when trying to innovate
🤝 The 3 words I would describe myself if asked in an interview are…. curious, elastic and jester
👍🏼 My best tip for someone wanting to get into Content Strategy is… read and look at everything and anything. Try and understand the ‘why’ when content makes an impression on you - especially when content pierces you on an emotional level.
😏 The first thing I’d do if I was Head of Content Strategy for X company would be…make everyone watch The Last Igloo - a great example of documentary film-making.
🤩 In the world of content strategy, I’m known for…creating content that connects with audiences.
🧐 The 3 things I’d change about content strategy would be…..take more risks, talk to your target audience, look at other mediums outside of digital for inspiration…and get out of the office for inspiration. 4 is the new 3.
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